A tragic plane crash has taken the lives of seven members of the beloved Nelons gospel music family. Among the victims were Jason and Kelly Nelon Clark, their daughter Amber, and son-in-law Nathan Kistler. Family assistant Melanie Hodges, along with the pilot Larry Haynie and his wife Melissa, also passed away in the accident.
The only survivor from the family, Autumn Nelon Streetman, shared an emotional message expressing her sorrow and gratitude. She thanked everyone for their prayers and love during this incredibly difficult time. “I am heartbroken, but your support is what’s helping me keep going,” she said, capturing the deep sense of loss felt by all.
The family was on their way to Alaska for the Gaither Homecoming Cruise when the plane tragically crashed in Wyoming. Witnesses reported seeing the plane fall from the sky, engulfed in flames. First responders arrived quickly, but tragically, there were no survivors except Autumn.
The Nelons were more than just a gospel family—they were icons. They were inducted into the Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame in 2016, and their music, including hits like “I Shall Not Be Moved,” “Come Morning,” and “We Shall Wear a Robe and Crown,” touched countless lives. Their legacy in gospel music is both deep and enduring.
Autumn expressed her “grief and gratitude for the prayers and support” as she and the gospel community continue to process this unimaginable loss. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board are looking into the cause of the crash.
This tragic event has left the gospel music world in mourning. The Nelons’ powerful music and their influence on the genre will never be forgotten, and their legacy will continue to inspire for generations.
Share your memories of the Nelons in the comments as we come together to honor this remarkable family.